Recent content by ashulgach

  1. ashulgach

    Press E to pick up

    It doesn't seem to be detecting the trigger at all. The layers are set correct on the items and the layer mask, but when I enter the trigger of the runtime objects it doesn't trigger. By default, wouldn't the character controller have these settings set?
  2. ashulgach

    Flashlight for Left Hand

    Yes, I did just what you suggested. I duplicated one of my other right hand items, and changed it to left hand with the flashlight model but it doesn't work. It spawns in my left hand but bugs out and doesn't let me switch weapons or equip a right handed weapon. How do I set up a flashlight...
  3. ashulgach

    Raycast based melee detection

    The hit collider is indeed attached to the weapon itself because that's how it was set up in the video. I didn't know you could change that to be fixed. Sweet! How do you assign a static collider when the root and all child objects are animating? There's no part that is static allowing me to...
  4. ashulgach

    Flashlight for Left Hand

    I know I make several posts, but because there is extremely limited documentation, I hope my questions are found to be useful for others trying to achieve similar goals. I'm trying to make the flashlight appear in the left hand only. The demo doesn't really show how to set this up because as a...
  5. ashulgach

    Press E to pick up

    Yes, those are the same settings, but it doesn't work sadly.
  6. ashulgach

    Raycast based melee detection

    By default, the swinging of swords and knives feels very inconsistent, with the crosshair not really being an indicator of where an enemy will be hit. Sometimes my swings are going through the wall, with hit detection being inconsistent with each swing. I also increased the hit collider on the...
  7. ashulgach

    Press E to pick up

    Disabling "pickup on trigger enter" and adding the "Pickup Item" doesn't have any results. The character walks through the item with no prompt, and when looking at it, there is no pop up, and the interact (action) button doesn't react.
  8. ashulgach

    Press E to pick up

    Is there a way to disable automatic pick up for runtime objects but instead have ALL weapons be equipped with a interaction prompt?
  9. ashulgach

    Weapons facing wrong direction

    RESOLVED: The solution was simple. on "First Person Objects" there was "Rotate With Crosshair" enabled. That caused the arms to rotate 90 degrees and not move with the camera properly. Unchecking that caused everything to go back to normal. The odd part is that on the demo scene that check box...
  10. ashulgach

    Jump Crouching

    Is there a way to enable a jump crouch ability? The ability settings seem very limited with allowing you to adjust speed while crouching (height change), and crouching while jumping. I have vents that are off the ground level so when I jump I want to be able to crouch mid air and have the...
  11. ashulgach

    Weapons facing wrong direction

    I should mention, these are runtime pickups. Something changes with the pickup that this is suddenly happening. When I start spawned with the item it's just fine. Editing the transforms at runtime don't work because they snap back to a locked position due to the way UFPS works. The weapon is...
  12. ashulgach

    Weapons facing wrong direction

    At some point during working on my game, the FPS Weapons started spawning side ways. I don't remember changing any settings during the time when this happened, but what would cause it? It's not the camera, because the camera is still facing the right direction. In this photo, I turned the...
  13. ashulgach

    Unable to initialize "item"

    Going back to the earlier video where the Item Collection creation happens, it seems like making my own fixed the problem. I was trying to follow the demo video using the demo assets, models, and item collection, but that didn't seem to match. Making my own made the pick up show. Thank you for...
  14. ashulgach

    Unable to initialize "item"

    Hi, everyone! I installed Ultimate Character Controller yesterday and I'm trying to set up some custom weapons with the First Person controller. I've followed the steps in the YouTube video by OPSIVE for "Runtime Item Pickups" but I continue to receive errors about "Unable to initialize "item"...