Recent content by desertGhost_

  1. desertGhost_

    [Possible Issue & Fix] With Attribute Auto Update Scheduling

    I think I may have a found an error in the Attribute class in AttributeManager.cs. In the Attribute class's Value property, I think the line ScheduleAutoUpdate(0.01f); should be ScheduleAutoUpdate(m_AutoUpdateStartDelay); because otherwise there is only a .01 second delay between when the...
  2. desertGhost_

    Player can fall through the ground under certain conditions

    This has been tested in 2019.1.3f1. Nolan gets stuck at (-0.1258323, 0.050002, 2.447401). I am attaching an automated scene that gets Nolan stuck. You will need to attach the GetPlayerStuck script included in the zip to the Target Position gameobject and then go into play mode.
  3. desertGhost_

    Player can fall through the ground under certain conditions

    I also have encountered this issue with a double door setup similar to the one that @Fenda has. According to the Unity documentation Continuous Speculative mode does work on both kinematic and dynamic rigidbodies, but since UCC handles its own collision detection I don't think Continuous...
  4. desertGhost_

    Nolan falls through terrain collider

    Is the layer that the terrain is on listed in Nolan's solid layers in the Layer Manager component?
  5. desertGhost_

    Limit / Block Push Rigidbody Force on certain Layers (while maintaining collisions)

    Hi, How should I go about limiting and possibly blocking the pushing of dynamic rigid-bodies that need to be on layers that the player collides with? Thanks.
  6. desertGhost_

    How should I force a FPP/TPP Character into TPP only during an ability?

    Hi, I'm trying to restrict certain abilities that I am writing to using third person perspective only. How should I go about doing this? What I am doing now is: I assign the cameraController variable in awake if the character is the player character. protected override void...
  7. desertGhost_

    Best technique for having an ability block a concurrent ability?

    EDIT: I found that overriding ShouldBlockAbility works great. public override bool ShouldBlockAbilityStart(Ability startingAbility) { return startingAbility is SpeedChange; } Hi, what would be the best way for having an ability disable a concurrent ability...
  8. desertGhost_

    Why does the LayerManager exclude collisions with the Water layer?

    Hi, I noticed that Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(Character, Water) is called in Awake of LayerManager (I am on UCC 2.0.7). Based on how other parts of my project are setup, I need to have all bodies of water (they use triggers) set to the water layer. I also need the character to detect...
  9. desertGhost_

    Windows Standalone IL2CPP Fix, AI Optimizations, and Floating Point Precision Compromise

    The shaking is hugely reduced when I scale the First Person Pivot Object (it is instantiated at run-time so this has to be done with a script) by a factor of 20, but I only have tested it out to 4000 m. It does however come with some unfortunate compromises: the first person arms and weapons...
  10. desertGhost_

    Windows Standalone IL2CPP Fix, AI Optimizations, and Floating Point Precision Compromise

    Hi. Great asset. Just have a few suggestions / questions. Windows Standalone IL2CPP fix: I found that when compiling with Unity 2018.3 for Windows Standalone IL2CPP I had to add || ENABLE_IL2CPP to the precompiler #if directive at the top of the AOTLinker file for the necessary AOT code to be...