Recent content by Alarconte

  1. A

    Why the UCC needs the Canvas to work? Looking for info and solutions.

    After some headbashing, I developed a way to fully integrate UCC into the Adventure Creator prefab player system, save system, and general game workflow, for anyone interested that could have been trying to do that, can check their forums.
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    Why the UCC needs the Canvas to work? Looking for info and solutions.

    3. Of course you have a game manager. "Set up Scene level-Managers to the scene" Button: Add managers. Creates One manager. Its called Game. So I call it to you, Game Manager. 2. Yeah, you didn't read my post. I already did that. Except for the CharacterMonitors. In the script provided in...
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    Why the UCC needs the Canvas to work? Looking for info and solutions.

    Anyway, I don't even know why this is relevant. Instantiating them with that script looks no different to me than instantiating them in any way and assign the camera to the player. (beyond the Camera attachment being off than if the player is spawn at the level), See 1. 1. The controller...
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    Why the UCC needs the Canvas to work? Looking for info and solutions.

    I'm giving a lots of turns to the script and nothing. Any help please? (for example..... I find no way to make <Character.UltimateCharacterLocomotion> got readed What are the assembly references or wathever needed?
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    Why the UCC needs the Canvas to work? Looking for info and solutions.

    As said, I'm bad at coding. I get lots of errors with this script. (Character and CameraController... Sometimes the erros are about that Shared is not an Opsive reference... I don't know, I'm lost at this). I've been 20 years doing games with Visual Coding tools.... I only script when is no way...
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    Why the UCC needs the Canvas to work? Looking for info and solutions.

    BTW.... my workaround for months was just having the player, UCC and managers on a scene, and use additive scenes to load levels (that works well with AC). But Unity Lightmapping bugs has being making that impossible, so I decided go the Logical way and use prefabs for the player and what the...
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    Why the UCC needs the Canvas to work? Looking for info and solutions.

    Thing is, I'm on the final phases of integration (character working well and being able to save and load the game via AC). As many other threads point to the problem, when not assigning correctly on runtime the character, camera and canvas, things break (particularly, IK). I instantiate and...
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    Why the UCC needs the Canvas to work? Looking for info and solutions.

    Yes, I've checked that without any integrations, I can go without the canvas. But attaching it to Adventure Creator to be controlled by it (I'm just in an initial testing phase), in just the basic setup where AC just controls that the canvas is on or off, if the canvas starts locked, the...
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    Why the UCC needs the Canvas to work? Looking for info and solutions.

    Why the UCC needs the Canvas to work? I don't see documentation about it. I'd like to add the canvas to be controlled via Adventure Creator so I can use their game logic to control when it shows and what it shows, or just delete the UCC canvas, or parts of it, if I find nothing of interest...
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    Using a single model for first and third person views

    Well, first of all, if you setup a only third person character (third person combat) and put the camera on a hidden face, UCC will never know the difference in terms on bugs. All the rest go on how well you configure the animations, parameters, and any fix to adjust correct viewing in some...
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    Abilities only working once for each weapon/ability, Including firing.

    Well. I just put the character in working place making a new one. I'm going to settle in that I reused/changed many parameters while testing (this is my 6º character iteration without not starting over that many times) and something strange broke after some months while trying to make the...
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    Abilities only working once for each weapon/ability, Including firing.

    It is. A lot. To add to it, not confined cursor in window problem solve itself randomly (I was working on configuring draggables and stuffs... and in the 50th time I press play, suddenly cursor was confined to window... and that was a big bug for my workflow). As Nolan Demo works, looks like no...
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    Using a single model for first and third person views

    I can tell you that can be done, I use that setup. It has its own challenges and some tinkering. There is various ways to do it, from Using the first person camera, the third person camera, or both, the most important thing is change the behaviour of face hiding, changing the first/third item...
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    Abilities only working once for each weapon/ability, Including firing.

    After trying for 26 hours to solve this issue, quite frustating, I came here to ask: First Note: This problem appeared at the same time that suddenly the cursor not confined on window (but locked). Second Note: I've been setting up well the character and its abilities for three months, and...
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    Movement Add-ons and Final-IK

    Well, in lack of proper documentation and "cheap" price I bought all the packs to check them. By now I integrated most abilities. Looks like most of the time what I have to do is to disable the Final-IK (well, usually the LookAt general problems on the UCC-Final IK integration) for proper...