Character Locomotion stuck when collider overlap.


New member

As you can see in picture. I have two npcs patroling using Behavior Designer and UltimateCharacterLocomotion. Sometimes they get stuck forever. I checked the scene view and found out their colliders overlap together causing them stuck with each other. I traced the code and assumed some where around line 977~979 and 1288 in CharacterLocomotion.cs is causing this. Because the npcs will not stuck again if I comment these lines. Is there any way I can prevent this?
How are they getting stuck? Are you using some type of pathfinding? For NPCs I generally recommend that you disable horizontal collision detection since the underlying pathfinding implementation is responsible for that.
I use navmesh agent and let them patrol to a same way point, they sometimes will get stuck along the way to the way points.
Sometimes, my player-controllered character will also get stuck with NPC.
Are you running the mist recent version of the controller? Do you have continuous collision detection on?

If you do and can reproduce it in the demo scene that works be helpful