Camera Won't Stay Anchored to Transform


New member
Alright I figured out my arm problem, now solving my camera problem. I want my camera to stay anchored to a specific point, only to displace itself when looking down so as not to intersect the toros. I kind of works like that, but when my character looks up, the camera dislocates and stops following the anchor point. Any Ideas? I've been playing with this problem for about an hour or so and can't make any headway into it.
Okay so attached below is a visualization of the problem. I have the camera anchored to the neck joint of my character in hopes that is would stay attached when looking up or down.Camera Anchor Problem.jpg
The camera is moving with your characters head bone. You can disable this by setting the Smoothed Head Count value to 0.
The camera is moving with your characters head bone. You can disable this by setting the Smoothed Head Count value to 0.
No, I actually want my camera to stay attached to the head bone when he is looking up and down. The problem is that it's not doing that. I'm doing the first person.
If you place a breakpoint within FirstPerson.AttachCharacter does it correctly find the head bone? The m_CharacterAnchor should be assigned to that bone.
If you place a breakpoint within FirstPerson.AttachCharacter does it correctly find the head bone? The m_CharacterAnchor should be assigned to that bone.
I know nothing of programming, but what is happening as far as I see is that the anchor point option is setting where the camera's origin should be in terms of Y axis. However the result is that it's not following spinal translations, ie. not following the neck bending down or bending up.