Adjusting the speed of the weapon swapping after shooting


New member
So I'm making an online first person shooter, and I'm trying to reduce the delay between switching weapons right after firing a shot. I've tried a few things:

-Lowering Durations and or not waiting for Animation Events in the ShootableWeapon Script/Item script.

-Speeding up the animations in the animation controller

-Using function Inventory.EquipItem() to try and immediately equip weapons if the ability cannot start, this sometimes works but it is not consistent with every weapon.

I am running out of ideas as to where to more precisely look for adjusting this delay after firing weapons.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance.
To clarify my goal, I want to remove and or minimize the two second delay that keeps happening after firing a weapon when I try to change weapons while ideally keeping the feeling consistent and animations still present. For example, if a player wanted to hit another with say 4 shots of pistol and then switch to shotgun as they close in, I don't want the player to feel penalized by this two second delay for switching weapons.
Equipping/unequipping is controlled by the Equip/EquipComplete/Unequip/UnequipComplete events. You can either use a timer for sending the events or animation events. When the character dies there is a preset which will unequip the items instantly. The Use ability blocks the Equip/Unequip ability from starting so this is likely where you want to focus. You can change the use rate of the IUsableItem, or you could completely remove this requirement.