Recent content by Tvtig

  1. T

    SlotItemId Is not updated in the animator

    Thanks Justin for the response, to test this out I actually removed all of the "wait for animation event" options: As such I can see the use item starts and completes in the logs - which (Please correct me if I'm wrong) I don't think would be possible if the item was stuck in the equip or...
  2. T

    SlotItemId Is not updated in the animator

    Hi There, I am trying to create a basic first person setup as described in the documentation: All seems fine, but when I add a weapon - a pistol in this case, and setup the item as per the videos, I can see that the item is equipped: The pistol in question is setup to have an AnimatorI...
  3. T

    Incorrect Height Change On Animation

    Ah! Figured it out - I needed to activate the IK Pass on the base layer of the animator.
  4. T

    Incorrect Height Change On Animation

    Okay so I tested this further - I went into the demo scene, created a UCC character using Atlas but the only animation he plays is the opsive death animation (DieBwd) - and the same thing happens, he floats in mid-air This same death animation works fine in the death area of the demo scene...
  5. T

    Incorrect Height Change On Animation

    Hi There, I have been working on this takedown ability, all is fine in with regard to the ability, but it seems that the height does not calculate correctly on my NPC when the takedown animation is played, which leads to the NPC floating in midair as seen in the video. To my understanding, I...
  6. T

    Disable Equip Of Item Pickup

    Hello, Is there a way to disable automatic equipping of an item pickup when the inventory amount increases from 0? I have set this option in the item pickup script: Which works fine, provided the player already has at least 1 item (Slime throw in this case) in their inventory. But if they...
  7. T

    Large moving platform doesn't push me

    Hi There, I am trying to get a large object to push my character - but it moves right through me. For example - If I scale up the fast platform in the demo scene - it doesn't push me if no input is applied at the same time. Below is a video link showing the problem. In the first half you'll...