Recent content by Craze

  1. C

    Seek is randomly considered 'success', but it isn't

    Yes the destination stays the same every time and does not change. Sometimes I have to restart 2 or 3 times the scene ( just hitting the play button ) in order to get it to work. Also i have multiple agents spawning into "waves", starting with 1 and then with 2 etc, if the first agent is having...
  2. C

    Seek is randomly considered 'success', but it isn't

    Hi Justin ! yeah I actually did, from what I could see it is because the navMesh.remaining distance is returning 0, making the conditions in the Seek.OnUpdate() a success. The target it is supposed to reach is definitely not around the agent so I can't understand why it would return a...
  3. C

    Seek is randomly considered 'success', but it isn't

    Hello ! I have a bit of an issue with 'seek'. Sometimes, everything will just works as intended, my enemy will spawn, and will 'seek' the target like it is supposed to do. Sometimes, it will spawn and just sit there and not perform the task, and when I look up the behavior tree, the 'seek' task...
  4. C

    Errors when converting to prefab

    Hello ! I am having an issue where I am using the behavior trees just fine up until now, but only when it is on objects directly in the scene. Whenever I am trying to convert a gameObject that has a behaviorTree on it, I will have this error when I open the prefab itself and of course the...
  5. C

    Repeating a task that has previously succeed ?

    Awesome I see, i was seeing the problem from the wrong angle, Thanks !
  6. C

    Animator - Set Bool Parameter

    It is yes, I am going to try to make it a shared variable to see if that's the issue
  7. C

    Animator - Set Bool Parameter

    Hello ! Well it does work, it just does not work whenever I am using an external behavior tree
  8. C

    Repeating a task that has previously succeed ?

    Hey everyone ! There is something I don't get with Behavior trees, I watched the tutorial videos and yet I reach a situation where I find it non logicial. Let's say a very basic behavior tree like this : When the seek task arrive to the player, it succeed and then move on to the next...
  9. C

    Animator - Set Bool Parameter

    Hello everyone ! I have been encountering an issue and I am not sure what to do, I looked for solutions but no one seems to have encountered this issue before. I have a really simple behavior tree with just a single task 'Set Bool Parameter', referencing to a gameObject with an animator, and...