Will New INPUT and DOTS be supported in the future?


New member

We are forced to move to UE4 because we really needed blueprints to abstract certain logics.

AFAIK, Unity visual scripting will only work with DOTS projects.

Will Opsive support be converted to DOTS so that we can use it with the latest Unity features? It might be a good idea, because using the old tech just seems like fighting against Unity's features nowdays.

So far, to my experience is that its better to use Unity's new tech as soon as they are out of preview. Their progress makes things outdated fast...

New Input system just released their preview of the official release so it should be official extremely soon.

there is a video at Unite, showing that DOTS boosts performance x2250 times.. which is pretty insane.

My opionion is that Opsive is definitely a more PC/Console/high eng mobile targeted asset. So performance is a big thing. And for a project as complex as UCC, it really needs to abstract certain things to blueprint/visual scripting in the future, such as the game manager, etc..

Converting to DOTS will make it very workable for the people who will jump to Unity once DOTS is production ready in 2020.1
DOTS is a major architecture change so it will take some time for us to support it. Behavior Designer will support it before the character controllers. We are watching it progress though.

We will add support for the new input system once it is out of preview mode.