Where in the weapon configuration do you set the hot key?


For instance I have many different weapons, how do I select what number key to press for the weapon? Example: Press 1 it takes out a pistol, Press 2 it takes out the shotgun.
If I have 2 pistols is there a way to press the same number key to swap between guns of the same category?
The key press button mappings are set on the EquipUnequip ability, and they correspond to the index of the item set.

If I have 2 pistols is there a way to press the same number key to swap between guns of the same category?

No, the built in inventory is really simple and this situation is not supported. The Ultimate Inventory System does support this situation though.
Thank you Justin I really appreciate your time, and to anyone wondering, your FPS character item set manager in every scene needs to have the appropriate order you want the hot keys to work in.