What is the Runtime Source Code download used for?

Take a look at the installation instructions at the top of this page:

The only difference this package makes is now you can edit the runtime source code.
I installed it before on another installation and received the ONE error about duplicate file names. I fixed that and moved on. When I installed it this time, it broke every integration script for Dialogue for Unity which was weird (and I still can't get that integration package to reinstall because it gives some errors related to player input). And it created a dozen errors relating to Behavior Designer. And it broke every integration script in my project attached anywhere. Well, it left UIS bridge script and the Behavior Tree scripts as a kindness, but broke the Behavior Tree Agent scripts because it doesn't like me. So that happened. And, hey, don't tell me I don't know how to party. I get can 60 critical errors and waste 3 hours in safe mode as hard and fast as the next guy. I guess I don't understand how installing the runtime source for BD could wreck the scripts in my project so thoroughly.