What is the easiest way to make ThirdPerson' Yaw Limit relative to character' front in ThirdPersonController?


New member
Hi there. I am trying to restrict the camera' horizontal(Yaw) rotate limit to -90 to 90;

I am using Third person adventure view type. For what I noticed, the yaw limit will be set to a fixed angle range at the start of the scene. If my character rotates, the angle limit for the camera actually not changed relatively to character' front.

I want to make the Yaw relative to character front. I wrote a small script that dynamically translate the angle limit basing on the character' euler y. However, I wonder is there a build in method to do this? Thank you!
There isn't anything built in for the adventure view type that restricts the yaw. I would approach this by subclassing the adventure view type and adding in the restriction, though if what you have works then there's no reason not to use that.