View only mode on gameobject which is not an instance of prefab


New member
I have a monster which is not an instance of prefab, but it shows to be view only mode in the Behavior Designer editor window.
If I toggle the 'Allow edit of prefab instances' on, the view mode will disappear. So it seems like the normal gameObject is treated as an instance of prefab.

Unity version: 2021.3.26f1
Behaviour Designer version: 1.7.7

If Boss_King is a prefab variant then it will also be considered a prefab which you will then need to disable it in the preferences.
Can you list the steps to reproduce from a fresh project? I'm not able to reproduce the same issue.
If I use Ctrl+D to duplicate the gameObject, the new gameObject will be treated as a simple GameObject. It's quite confusing but it's working.
It's sad that I don't know how to reproduce that in a fresh project too. :cry: