V3/V2 Excessive camera bob & rotation + hand rotation on character


New member
I've been having this issue for a good bit now even since V2 of UCC however I have yet to be able to figure out why this is happening. I am only using the First Person Combat view. This is a fresh v3 character. This happens even on a freshly made v3 character and even on one is imported/upgraded from v2.

Documentation used: https://opsive.com/support/document.../view-types/included-view-types/first-person/

Associated variables:

I have three main issues:

The camera excessively rotates and changes position when the character head moves. The camera should just keep the local position of the head and rotate. I've set all relating variables according to the documentation to 0 to prevent this but it has no effect at all.

2: When moving (running or walking) the camera excessively bobs. All relating settings outlined in the documentation are set to 0 yet this has no effect on it.

3: The biggest one so far is that the hands rotate along with the camera. This should not happen at all.

These issues prevent all gameplay related features from being usable. What makes these happen, especially the hands rotating? How can I disable the head bobbing or allow the settings to actually influence the camera? It seems like the camera is being stitched to the head.x bone and the animations itself are what is causing the issue for the head bobbing, but I cannot confirm this nor find where this is happening in the cameracontroller script itself.

Is there a code snippet in a script that also handles the hands rotating? If so, where is this located? I'd like to disable this as this is a not a FPS game. It's a first person RPG.

You can see all these issues in the video I uploaded:
What sort of setup is this? A third person character with first person viewtype?
You are using an animated head bone as an anchor, hence the bobbing when moving, this would explain points 1 and 2? You cannot control that movement with viewtype settings. For point 3, you can turn off the hand IK on the CharacterIK component when not needed.
If I understand your character setup correctly, it is probably not the best way to setup a first person character.
This setup was created using the First person combat in the character manager. No additional scripts or changes were made other than adjusting the variables for the issues. I did forget to mention that I am using URP. My bad.

I tried with and without what you have mentioned above regarding the head bob. I have the issue regardless if I have the bone auto anchored or when the CameraController script auto anchors to the player when the character is initialized. If I leave this checkbox unchecked I get an error saying there is no look source. I've included a pic of the settings.


Is there additional settings that affect the anchoring of the camera or not anchoring it automatically without the error? Or how would I get around being forced to use the "Init Character On Awake" checkbox so I don't get the error within Opsive? To be honest this was one section of the documentation I wasn't too sure about when I was setting up the character initially.

I've updated the CharacterIK component you mentioned above. That solved #3. Thank you!
Got it. Rotate with head needed to be unchecked. No idea what I changed, but I have tried unchecking that numerous times when trying to figure this out.
Thanks for the help with the Hand issue! I would've never figured that one out.