Using UI Designer to spawn Main Menu tabs results in very large UI for Crafting and Shop pages


New member
I recently got the asset and I'm pretty happy with it in general.

I followed the documentation instructions for setting up the asset, but the UI for main menu looks like it is not the right size or scale.

Screen Shot 2021-04-24 at 12.43.28 AM.png

For example, the description here is poking out of the MainMenu.CenterPanel

When I added the Crafting tab in the Main Menu (or Shopping) the resultant UI is even more weirdly-sized.
Screen Shot 2021-04-24 at 12.47.04 AM.png

The main UI Designer steps I took :
1) Spawn the Classic schema in my scene. This is parented to InventoryCanvas
2) Go crafting tab, spawn the Crafting tab in MainMenu :
Parent Transform = Main Content
Panel Option = Main Menu
Screen Shot 2021-04-24 at 12.51.37 AM.png
3) I hit create and I get the weirdly sized contents.

Navigating with the main menu tabs generally still work fine, so the crafting UI can be closed or hidden when playing the game.
Any ideas would be appreciated.

[Edit: adding the equipment tab under main menu worked perfectly, so the problem might lie with something in the crafting/shopping UI setup]
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Hi yigh, I'm glad you're enjoying the asset.

The UI was designed to work on a 1920x1080 screen if you use any other screen resolution it may look a bit off. Additionally recently Unity changed the default size of text in TextMesh Pro. So the text might look a bit big depending on the version of Unity you use.

That being said the UI that comes out of the box is a template, it is meant to be modified to your needs. So feel free to move things around, scale them up/down, change sprites, etc...
If you are careful enough you may even change the hierarchy, but you'll need to get familiar with the system first to know what the restrictions are.