Upgrade path for dots


Active member
Hi Justin,
I read your post on plans to release a dots version of behavior designer later this year.
I am curious if you have any idea on what upgrade path, if any, there will be for existing behavior trees?

At the very least, I expect any custom tasks we have written, will need to be re-written.
Do you expect behavior tree's can be upgraded? Or will these need to be re-created from scratch?
This is a huge architecture change so everything will need to be rewritten from scratch. For Mono tasks the API actually isn't changing that much, there is still OnAwake/OnStart/OnUpdate/etc. If you want your task to use DOTS then it is a completely different structure. At least at this stage I am not planning on a behavior tree migration tool since there are just so many differences.

With that said, we are not planning on deprecating or stopping support of version 1 anytime soon. If version 1 is working well for your situation there's no need to upgrade immediately. I have to say though, it is cool running hundreds of thousands of behavior trees at the same time. :cool: