Unity spams errors about input missing ""


New member
happens in UpdateAbilityInput(m_CharacterLocomotion.ItemAbilities);
and inside CanInputStartAbility()

Action Id 5
seems like Special Attack?
UsableItems[2] is null, null
Custom StartType
comboElement.InputName = ""

playerInput.GetAxisRaw(currentComboElement.InputName) fails of course

is it because somewhere an Item in the Items collection on Player has something set to Special Attack?
How is this connected? or did Special Attack get set to Custom somehow by accident?
I could just set a valid InputName on the SpecialAttack on Player, but I didn't change that so not sure why it would be broken suddenly.

I was adding a new item to the player though, or changing one that was there.
That indicates that you set an input name to an empty string. You should change the input name to a valid button mapping name defined in the input system that you are using.