Unable to set Detection Mode on Can See task


I am trying to set the Detection Mode to 'Tag' but for some reason when I change it and then click on something else, it changes back to 'Everything'. Doesn't matter what I try to change it to, it always reverts back to 'Everything' when I click off the control.

What am I doing wrong?

I should mention that I am using Unity 2022 LTS. I am not sure if that is the issue here or not.
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I just tried setting the task to tag and it worked. Can you tell me how to reproduce it from a fresh project? I tried on an external tree, prefab, and regular scene object.
I have the same problem with the Can See Object task. It's set to Everything and when I select something else and click outside to close the drop down, it goes back to Everything. I'm also on 2022 LTS and I can reproduce this both when opening an external tree and when accessing it from a prefab.

A couple of days ago I also had an issue with the Start Stop Ability or Start Stop Use where not all the options shows up under the Inspector tab, only Target Game object and the other options are all missing/not rendered (I saw some other post related to this as well). That seems to have "fixed" itself so that's good. The reason I'm bringing this one up is because that for both of these issues, it works fine while the project is running. I can switch Detection Mode and it "sticks", however when stopping the project, it goes back to Everything again. It's not like I'm in some read-only mode, I can make other changes to problem.
I created a new external tree, it's not attached to anything and it only has the Can See Object Task.

I can not change that Everything to anything else without it going back to Everything. I'm on the latest version of BT.
Are you able to reproduce the issue within a fresh project? Also, what serialization are you using?
Yes, I get the same issue with a fresh project and it's using JSON serialization.

I created a new project like this:

Then all I imported was Behavior Tree v1.7.7 (new update) and Formations and Movement packs. I created a new External Behavior Tree and added the Can See Object task, opened the inspector tab, clicked the Detection Mode dropdown, unselected all but Tag, clicked outside dropdown. When I reselect the task, the Detection Mode is still Everything. Here's what the Preferences looks like, should be all defaults:
Thank you. This does look like it's an issue specific to 2022.3. I have a workaround for it and will release the update shortly.