UFPS2 - Crouch Not Working After Jump


New member
I'm trying to setup an arms-only fps rig with UFPS2. I use the Character Manager to create a First Person Character (and leave the 'Character' field blank and 'Animator' unchecked as I don't need full body).

The controller would not jump or crouch until I noticed under the 'Jump' ability, a 'Jump Event' section where I unselected 'Wait For Animation Event'. Now the character will jump, but crouch only works if it's done before ever jumping (if you jump, crouch stops working). I didn't have this problem when setting up a full body character when following the video tutorial.

The Jump ability seems to do something that prevents height change (crouch) from working when there's no character body.

UFPS2 v2.1.4
Unity 2019.1
I just tested this scenario without an animator and it worked. Ensure no other ability is active so the Height Change ability can start - you'll likely need to prevent waiting for an animation event on the fall ability as well as the jump.