UCC keeps unloading!

This is an issue outside of UCC itself. I would ask on the Unity support forums or get in touch with Unity directly. It might also be a hard drive related issue. (E.g. storage space/permissions)
Thank you Andrew for responding...

i will have to check unity then..,maybe it is hard drive issues...Untitled.png

last night everything worked perfectly after I reinstalled UCC and then I shut it down and this morning I started up unity and I now I have two errors that won’t allow me to compile and they are...

both Opsive stuff which made me think it was your agenda...but I will check with unity about this problem...
I don't suppose you have Anti Virus that is removing Dlls or other files from your project?
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Andrew and Justin ...I want to thank you both for the help...I got my project back in working order...I must also thank Andrew for the more specific response about my hard drive...the problem occurred with iCloud and the project was not downloading properly from the Apple servers to my hard drive...

I had to stop syncing between my hard drive and iCloud to stabilize my project but after doing that I got it back in working order...and I won’t sync my project because I cannot rely on Apple...

I really appreciate Andrew being very specific about this as it made me investigate the iCloud/hard drive issue...anyway that you again for hearing my problem and for this response...good to be back game developing
Glad you got it sorted. It's generally not a good idea to work directly on cloud-synced storage for large Unity projects etc.