Active member
Hello, I'm using the latest versions of UCC, BD, the Movement Pack and UCC's integration for BD, but the UCC integration demo scene seems broken : many tasks in the enemy agent's tree are missing, here's the error list :

If I'm not mistaken all those missing tasks come from the Movement pack which received some breaking changes related to variable names, that may be the explanation.
And here's a video showing what the demo scene looks like :
So the enemy agent just fires once upon spawning and keeps looking at the ground. He is also set as his own target. In addition the camera has some jitter issues. BD and UCC seem to be working okay together otherwise, but this demo scene just can't be left like that !

If I'm not mistaken all those missing tasks come from the Movement pack which received some breaking changes related to variable names, that may be the explanation.
And here's a video showing what the demo scene looks like :
So the enemy agent just fires once upon spawning and keeps looking at the ground. He is also set as his own target. In addition the camera has some jitter issues. BD and UCC seem to be working okay together otherwise, but this demo scene just can't be left like that !