Trajectory doesnt get propagated to all players


New member
With UCC v 2.3.4 and PUN addon v1.1.12, Trajectory doesnt get propagated to all players. Only works on local machine
You can use the default pun scene. Set up pick ups as usually. Attach trajectory to the runtime pickups, Give characters the pickup and drop abilities. Create a photon room, join with a different player. With two players in the scene/room. Pick up and item and then drop the item. The items drops as usual in the scene of the player doing the pickup. The other player sees the item hang in the air. It actually gets dropped. But it doesnt fall to the ground.
Thanks, I see what you're saying now. It looks like something changed in a recent PUN update that no longer keeps the instantiation data on the PhotonView. You can fix this by opening the PunItemPickup.ObjectSpawned method and replacing:


So you no longer need the photonView reference and can use the member variable instead.