Top Down View Type Rotation


New member

I'm building a game that uses the top down view type.
The effect I'm trying to achieve with it is one where the camera can orbit the player without rotating to face up.

There's two issues I'm having.

1. Making the pitch value go 90 or above causes the camera to rotate so that it faces "up" again.
2. There's no option for modifying the yaw and adjusting the anchor offset doesn't work the way I want it to. Adjusting the z and y value has the same effect more or less when the camera is above the player. It seems like the z offset uses a local coordinate system but y uses a global coordinate system since they both cause the camera to zoom in and out. Adjusting the x anchor offset doesn't angle the camera towards the player.

I tried reading through the source code to get an idea of what causes all these behaviors but wasn't able to make out much.
The documentation says there are rare cases where you'll have to make your own view type. Is this one of them?