Top Down Camera Rotation


New member

I'm trying to add camera rotation, when moving the mouse on the X axis, to the top down view type when moving, without the character rotating . Most of the other views rotate the player when moving, however i would like to keep all the top down movement and view the same and just rotate the camera.

I understand i probably need to create a new view type but i'm struggling with this. Can you post a small bit of code as a starting point to just rotate the camera. Im sure i can work out the rest my self.

Thanks in Advance
I would start by trying with a sub-class of the included TopDown view type and applying your own further modifications to the rotation returned by Rotate(). Something like this would be a good place to start:
    public class TopDownSpinning : TopDown
        public override Quaternion Rotate(float horizontalMovement, float verticalMovement, bool immediateUpdate)
            Quaternion rotation = base.Rotate(horizontalMovement, verticalMovement, immediateUpdate);
            return rotation * Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.forward * degrees);
You'd want to also block the TopDown base from continually attempting to re-align the camera's rotation with the player character, so you'd probably want to actually just re-write Rotate() with code based on TopDown.Rotate()
Sorry, i have a few more questions:

In the top down view type script, is the Move() function only for camera movement or rotation as well? and when you say re-write Rotate() you mean in the Top down script or actual camera controller?

Move only handles the position of the camera and Rotate only handles its rotation.

For Rotate, take a look at TopDown.Rotate (line 149). It's a small function, just a few lines. It keeps the camera's rotation static, but you should be able to write a modified version of it within your custom ViewType script so that it allows for rotation around the upwards axis.