Third person UCC/UIS enemy, hitting a non UCC player

I'm using BD/UCC/UIS to control the enemies in my game, the player is my own character controller based on the Unity VR asset Auto Hands and does not have any of the Opsive components on it.

What works: I can pickup a melee weapon with my VR hands and hit my enemies and damage dealing is working well. I made a custom IDamageSource component that I attach to any weapon or item the player can pick up and swing around. I use the OnObjectImpact event with an ImpactCallbackContext to affect the enemies health (loosely based on Explosion.cs)

What I'm struggling with: Detecting/Intercepting/Handling when an enemy strikes back. The UIS melee weapon has the MeleeAction script and I have been playing around with the different modules there but I just can't seem to figure out how to get the collision impact between the UIS thirdpersonWeapon collider and the VR Players collider.

What is the best approach to handle this?
Sometimes the answer is easier than you think! I just added the Health and Attribute Manager components to my VR Player and it all just magically worked :)