Teleport with no (only relative) camera movement


Active member
I have tried several ways, from setting position directly to overriding position to teleport my UCC character to a desired location (all work fine). The common issue is that on arrival the camera instantly resets its relative offset.

What am i trying to do. I would like to teleport the player to a near identical room (with same potential camera colliders) and currently the only way you can tell this is happening is because the camera is snapping back to its initial world offset (it may simply be a case of arriving with Pitch and Yaw set to 0?). How can i prevent this, ie. not have the camera exhibit any relative movement during a teleport?

If it makes a difference i am exclusively in third person and also using a faked first person on my third person character - same result with all setups so far.
When the camera is teleported the PositionImmediately method gets called and that resets the camera position. I'll add in the option so if the animator is not snapped then the variables do not get reset.