Switching View Types not working


Active member

for my fly ability I had to create my own view type. Unfortunately, I could not inherit from the third person view type for two reasons:
1.) I had to get rid of the "rotate with moving platform" in the rotate method
2.) I had to remove the restriction to move the target position below the character in the move method.
3.) The private methods of the third person view type are not accessible when inheriting the class.

So I have copied the third person view type, and modified the code accordingly. But now the view type is neither first nor third person. If I now try to switch the view type during runtime from third person to my own view type with the state system, the new view type is not activated.

When using my view type as the only view type, everything works fine.

Thanks, Christian
When you say it's neither first nor third person - your custom view type can just inherit from FirstPerson/ThirdPerson instead of any specific other view type.