Switching from Gunner Seat leaves Controls broken


I have noticed an issue in v2 and now v3 of the seating controller with the switching from a Gunner position: you can switch into the position with no issue but switching out disables any and all movement other than switcing seats in reverse (- key) and exiting a vehicle. It is like this straight from an new import and in the demo scene on the SeatingAtlas character and any character that I create. Even when using - to switch back seats once in the drivers seat driving is disabled as well as camera movement. How to resolve this issue?
Seems that after switching to the gunners seat I am stuck in the First Person View Mode! I do NOT have First Person nor do I want First Person View but if I delete this View it throws and error even when I say NOT to use First Person View on the weapon:

If I manually click and activate a different view I am able to move and control the vehicle again. "Straight Out the Box" means a fresh new install and using the supplied scenes with no modifications. Quick Fix for now is to disable the First Person Camera Part of the BoardSource Code:

Unity v2021.3.32f1. How do I fix this issue without having to disable lines of code?
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10 days and no response from FastSkillTeam.... Do they even give support on their add-ons?? I've kept quiet on the fact of spending money for a product that is broken from the get go but the demo isn't even complete on either of the vehicle add-ons. I would not have spent the money if I had known they were not complete... now can't even get support for their broken code?? Never will buy another FastSkill asset again!!
Hi, first of all, very sorry for the late response, I do have a life, and usually respond daily, but I have been extremely busy with life events, and did not even see this post. The first person vehicle weapon view type is only for vehicle weapons, and is required to be kept in. Its used for vehicle weapons that make most sense to be first person. Ill make an update to account for not having it. But you can simply leave it there an not use it anyway.
Just to clarify the situation this bug doesn't exist please refer to this link
, my best guess is either the add-on was imported in the wrong order meaning first USC and then UCC or its an outdated Unity version. Alternatively since its not 100% clear what the gunner position is I would say if more details are provided maybe it can be reproduced better.

When reporting any bugs please use the following format visible in a post by Justin.

"This will make it easier for me to understand what is going on so I can fix it.

1. Character controller variant (Ultimate Character Controller, UFPS, etc).
2. Unity version (include which SRP, beta Unity versions aren't supported)
3. Bug description
4. Steps to reproduce from a fresh project
5. The full error message (if any)"

Also about the late response I do believe it might be frustrating but last time I checked the USC sub-forum is not the place listed for support by the asset dev on his store listings hence it would have to be expected that you either get a delayed or no reply...