Surface effect not activating. Using default instead.


I'm running into a weird issue.

I just want to create a new surface effect, type, and impact, but after I do this, it doesn't seem to ever run my effect. Instead it runs the fallback effect.

Am I missing something? This is what I did:
1) On the weapon of my Agent Nolan prefab, I changed the surface impact to my new type

2) On the collider of my player object, I change the surface identifier to my new surface type

3) In my new surface type, I update the entry to handle the weapon's surface impact. As seen on index 6
The effect is defined as follows:

But instead of the injuryfleshplayer prefab being instantiated, the default prefab in the fallback surface types is being called instead:

As shown on element 4 below:

Why is this happening? Did I miss a step? I checked the weapon and the player. They have the correct surface impact and surface types, as explained in the previous post.
Are you sure you are hitting the collider with the surface identifier that is attached? Does your other effects work?
ok the problem seemed to fix when i turned the game object into a prefab and then dragged it back int he scene. Very weird. I think it's a unity bug. One of those times you know you're doing it right but the engine jsut messes up i think.