Stop All Movement on Item use

If you are using root motion you should have an animation that is stopped and then the character will no longer move. If you're not using root motion you can use the state system to set the motor speed when the use ability is active.
I'm not too sure how to activate a state when the use ability is used, is there a option to do this or will i need to script this? thanks
I would recommend reading about the state system, it's very powerful and flexible:

The basics of what you need to do are:

1. Give the Use ability a state name (under the Use item ability there is a "State" field - the demo scene already has the state name "Use")
2. Add a new preset to the Ultimate Character Controller component and set this component up to set the motor speed to 0
3. Set the state name for this preset to "Use" (or whatever state name you gave the Use ability)
I would recommend reading about the state system, it's very powerful and flexible:

The basics of what you need to do are:

1. Give the Use ability a state name (under the Use item ability there is a "State" field - the demo scene already has the state name "Use")
2. Add a new preset to the Ultimate Character Controller component and set this component up to set the motor speed to 0
3. Set the state name for this preset to "Use" (or whatever state name you gave the Use ability)
I had the same question and I did as you wrote, but it turned out to be not the best option, the animation continues to play.
In UCC has already implemented this feature, regardless of the root motion or state. The character stops moving when using Teleport and Heal in demo scene, even if you disable the root motion and state. I broke my head trying to figure out how it works:D. Do you know the answer? Thank you