Speed Change Ability only works when jumping and not while running on the ground


New member
Hello, i'm trying to implement a button that when activated will change the running speed of the character, I noticed there's a Speed Change ability on the character and created a new state that will later be activated when user pressed the button.

The state change seems to work as I observed from the Inspector, but i noticed that the actual speed change only happens when the player is jumping and not while running on the ground.

How do I make it so that it also works while the character is on the ground?

(attached video showing the state setup, the script that activates it, and the behavior during runtime)
It looks like the speed change ability is working while on the ground, but while in the air you are not using root motion so there is a speed difference between the ground and air. While in the air you can use the state system to adjust the Motor Acceleration and Motor Damping values.
It looks like the speed change ability is working while on the ground, but while in the air you are not using root motion so there is a speed difference between the ground and air. While in the air you can use the state system to adjust the Motor Acceleration and Motor Damping values.
Thanks Justin, i ended up creating another state on the Ultimate Character Locomotion component itself to control the character speed on ground thru Time Scale property, it works really well now. Cheers :)