Special Melee Animation Requirements?


New member
using the Third Person Controller;
I am working on a game about destroying buildings - with various tools, one of them is a Hammer.
The animation I made is quite OK but there are lots of things missing - when the Hammer hits an object, it has to stop at the contact point. I've looked at a lot of games, checking what makes their melee look good, compared to many many videos of indie games where the combat animation looks bad.
My conclusion:
1) A different animation is played when something was hit
2) Animation slows down at the time of an impact
3) blunt weapons (axe, hammer, club) don't penetrate enemies bodies, they stop right at the impact position, visible for a few frames and then transition to the end of the animation.
4) Particles are spawned exactly where the weapon hits
5) Rotating hips while moving, like mentioned in the following video, right at the timestamp 27:15 GDC - The Best Animation Tricks of the Trade

So almost everything here is about collision, getting the exact point during a fast animation ... has anyone here worked on this specific topic?
Are there other (easier) ways to get impactful and good looking melee animations?
What are your thoughts on this topic?
This sounds similar to the Melee Counter Attack ability where there is a response:
