slider length is wrong when represent 6/7 like a 1/2


the current amount/ total amout should equals sliderLength/slotLength, but current UIS don't behavior like this way.
The scrollbar length is controlled automatically by the Scrollbar component (built-in Unity). I don't think this is something we can change unless we created our own custom scrollbar component
The scrollbar length is controlled automatically by the Scrollbar component (built-in Unity). I don't think this is something we can change unless we created our own custom scrollbar component
this only happen on fUIS Scroll Step setup.
if I make some scroll view manually in unity, the length is correct.

Could you please help to check whether it's some issue related to Scroll Step mode?

I guess the problem comes from here.
the calculation of size has yet take current content length into account.
Could you please help to check how to fix this issue?
If I remember correctly this line was removed because unity computes it automatically.
I'll add this issue in my list of things to investigate.
If you succeed to fix it yourself let us know what you find.