Seating controller: Is there a way to send an event when a character boards / un-boards?


New member
I need to be able to trigger an event that is specific to the vehicle I’ve boarded - to change an attached script, I tried using colliders but it’s pretty messy with my tripod design. If not is there another method that would be suitable? Thanks
There's a few events. You can find usage by searching for the "OnSetSeat" event. That event contains all the data you shall require.
Just so you know I will be pushing an update tomorrow morning, that will make your task a little easier :) I will add BoardSource to the SeatChangeData, and also call the event on the character, rather than just the BoardSource alone. This will allow you to register OnSetSeat with either the BoardSource or the character in question and use the BoardSource direct from the data coming from the event. This will save you getting the parent BoardSource of the seat. Or by using the method of getting the Board ability and grabbing the BoardSource from that.

I am glad you raised this question as it gave me the idea to expand further for more versatility, cheers :)
Just so you know I will be pushing an update tomorrow morning, that will make your task a little easier :) I will add BoardSource to the SeatChangeData, and also call the event on the character, rather than just the BoardSource alone. This will allow you to register OnSetSeat with either the BoardSource or the character in question and use the BoardSource direct from the data coming from the event. This will save you getting the parent BoardSource of the seat. Or by using the method of getting the Board ability and grabbing the BoardSource from that.

I am glad you raised this question as it gave me the idea to expand further for more versatility, cheers :)
? awesome will test it in
Hmmm which version of UCC are you using? I am not at my pc right now, I cannot remember if that was removed or not. I will have a look at it today.
Got an error for this 'm_CharacterLocomotion.InstantRigidbodyMove = true;' is this an integration error?
I just tested on a fresh install. UCCv3.013, and did not get the error, I think it was removed. Please ensure that you have updated and installed the packages correctly. I did however find some prefabs that require attention upon importing. Cheers
Thanks and you’re right, updated yesterday and it fixed it. Btw the demo scene seems quite heavy in HDRP it kills my fps (though was using high settings - GI etc), it’s all good when using it in my own scene and maybe it’s cheaper in URP, but might be good to reduce amount going on or make a simpler HDRP scene to showcase as there’s so much cool stuff to learn in demo.