Returning Consumable Item Count


What's the correct way to return an Item's Consumable and it's current count in the Inventory?

Weapon setup's going fair this time around (can't help but wonder if there'll be any hits in the "Paid Work Request" for help on the weapon setup... it's always my Achilles here) and I'd like to start tying it into the awesome UI I've built for it =).
You can use Inventory.GetItemTypeCount. For UI though take a look at the ItemMonitor for an example - there are some events which will prevent you from needing to check the count every frame.
Thanks Justin, I'll look into that!

Thanks that's exactly what I needed. And as it turns out, I was overthinking it anyways, since I'm trying to hook it to a full inventory display that doesn't really need to update a count based on the individual weapon.

Hooking to the events worked great, too, thanks for the pointer!
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