referencing two instances of the same ability on the Locomotion component


Active member

In a bit of a pickle at the moment.

I am trying to implement Jog and Run abilities on my player. I had Run working fine, but the problem is I have a script that monitors my player's Stamina level and if their stamina gets low then it temporarily disables the Run ability on the Locomotion component.

The problem I am having at the moment is to have Run and Jog I use two instances of the Speed Change ability. Is there a way to reference each abilities instance in the Locomotion component?

At the moment I am using
 m_SpeedChange = m_CharacterLocomotion.GetAbility<Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Character.Abilities.SpeedChange>();
and this works as long as there is only one SpeedChange ability. But now that I have two I need to be able to reference each.


Any suggestions on how to do this?

Tahnks in advance