Recommended way to hide HUD elements?

I currently see the hot bar, "Main Menu" button and three stat values (currencies?).

At this moment, I'd just like to hide them. I think I may bring back the hot bar at a later time, so I don't want to destroy it entirely.

What's the best way to hide these without breaking anything?

Thank you!
I couldn't find anything in the documentation about disabling these. An "enable" boolean would be ideal, in the UI Designer. I could simply set all of these to "none," but that may cause down-stream errors:
What's the recommended way?
The answer is easier than you would think, Simply disable them in the hierarchy. You can put them all under an empty game object that you disable to keep them grouped. If even disabled they cause you problems (Many UI objects are initialized by the Display Panel Manager even if they are disabled) you can delete them and create them again with UI Designer in a click or two.

Just a quick note, UI Designer is a tool to create and edit UI. The schema is just a list of prefabs and objects that UI Designer will use to create/modify your UI. So removing objects from the schema will simply prevent you from using UI Designer.