PuppetMaster + UCC Integration Issue


New member
Hey Every one, been trying to integrate Puppet Master with UCC and I feel like i followed the integration instructions exactly and when I run the scene, the ragdoll colliders just fall to the ground even though the pin weight is set to 1. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!Screenshot (4).png
I think it has something to do with some errors I receive every time I install the integration files from Puppet Master. Any ideas how to remedy this?Screenshot (5).png
It looks like PuppetMaster was recently updated which caused those errors. I've updated the integration - go ahead and give it another download.
So I removed and reinstalled both UCC and Puppet Master and then installed the UCC integration from Puppet Master and I'm still getting the same instant compiler errors... I'm sure I'm just missing something obvious but I cant figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Make sure you've updated the integration from the website. OnPuppetRead now contains the deltaTime.
Once I load in the integration file I get this error on the puppet.cs script. (Assets\Opsive\UltimateCharacterController\Integrations\PuppetMaster\Puppet.cs(60,34): error CS0123: No overload for 'OnPuppetRead' matches delegate 'BehaviourBase.BehaviourUpdateDelegate'). Which prevents me from adding the script to my character
That doesn't sound like you are using the latest version of PuppetMaster.
In October PuppetMaster added a new parameter and based on that error it doesn't look like you have that parameter. Sometimes if you're using the Package Manager it'll show the incorrect version that you're using so you'll want to make sure you clear the Asset Store download cache and verify that you are indeed running the latest versions.

In Puppet.cs:
void OnPuppetRead(float deltaTime) // deltaTime is new.

If you remove "float deltaTime" and it compiles then you know that you're running an old version of PuppetMaster.

Is there a way to downgrade UCC back to Version 2.2.3?
There isn't a way to download previous versions and I don't keep a archive of the specific version. In this case though it relates to the PuppetMaster integration which I don't think even existed in 2.2.3.