Pseudo3D to LookAt


New member
I am not the kind of Vector3 or more person.
I tried hard to understand, but am totally messed up.
Hopefully somebody can help me please.

My default camera ist the Pseudo3d and is anchored on the character, all well.

Now I want to mark a target to view at without changing the position of the camera relative to the character.
But everything I tried had weird results with not showing the target at all or rotating the camera around.
The prebuild LookAt does not serve me well, because it is a bit random where the camera is positioned, especially when looking at different targets without moving back to character based camera.
Ideally you'd use the AimAssist component, but this component requires a crosshairs so it doesn't work so well for 2.5D. Right now there isn't a built in look at for 2.5D, but I'd like to add the ability to have IK look at any arbitrary target and this would help this use case.
After having a good nights sleep, I solved the issues.
The camera is still moving a bit, but it feels okay and can be finetuned by the parameters.
I added a invisible gameobject at the camera to provide the rotation with a simple LookAt-call.

I love how it still smoothes all movements.
In a next iteration I will adapt the character look direction, but for this week I am done with Vectors ;)