Problem with the equipment ui manager

Not as much as a bug report, but more of a complain regarding the workflow of the equipment manager in the Ui Manager.

Bellow we see the different item view slots we can define, but we dont see anywhere any tab that allows us to properly define the categories in each slot with ease, one must first add the item view, press edit item view, go to the Item View Slot Category Restriction component, and define there the category.


Even though this whole thing should be depended and automatically populated based on the item slot set from the collection.

My proposal from all of this is to better allow customization for the categories defined for the item slot set inside the equipper and display what needs to be edited properly to avoid mulitple component search for each change in the item slot set.
I'll add this to my list of things to review. We plan on making an update soon and since this isn't a breaking bug It'll have to wait until a future update