Playmaker question / demo error


I'm trying to run the PlayMaker integration demos and I'm getting this error:
Error: The animator Nolan is not designed to work with the Ultimate Character Controller. Ensure the animator has all of the required parameters.
Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Character.AnimatorMonitor:Awake() (at Assets/Opsive/UltimateCharacterController/Scripts/Character/AnimatorMonitor.cs:127)

I only have the ThirdPersonController, Playmaker and the integration installed. What can I change in the demo to get it to work?

What I'm trying to do is shot a projectile and trigger a playmaker action, is there a simple way I can do that and not worry about the demo?

The Playmaker integration shouldn't have had a demo scene in it - that is what I use internally to test it but it's not setup to work with the controller variants. I just removed that demo scene.

You can shoot a projectile by starting the use item ability within Playmaker using the StartStopUse action.