Perspective is incorrect and weapon clipping


Hi, came across this issue today and I have searched each component over and over and can not figure out what the heck is heppening here.

There are 3 weapons
only one of the weapons have an issue with FP perspective. Nothing special here, just changing First Person camera location when aiming.
Each weapon has it's own Aim State.

Pay close attention to 0:24

Notice how the first person camera and the game view are different. It's as if the Overlay camera is not longer an overlay camera and you'll also see just that 1 weapon clipping when aiming at about 0:30 seconds. The other weapons do not clip as they shouldn't.

Must be some setting I am not able to find... Please help.

You should check your first person weapon layers to make sure the assault rifle is on the Overlay layer.
Yes, everything looks fine. I've compared each weapon setup and "essentially" they're all the same. Everything is on the Overlay Layer.

What is also strange is that the camera position for weapon 1 and 2 are the same but although they move to the correct location, weapon 1 seems to display the wrong layer.. looks as if the overlay layer isnt even active for weapon 1, that's what it "seems" like.
If you are not using a SRP the draw order is controlled by camera stacking. It looks like something is going wrong there - the big things to check are that the model is on the Overlay layer and the first person camera is only drawing that overlay layer on top of the main camera.