
Because you guys are awesome, I was wondering if you could lead me to the best instruction on optimizing the game. Not to answer how to best optimize the game, but just to point in the direction of the best optimization instruction that you know of. Or, maybe you have your own instruction on this that I do not know of.
Early optimization is evil. It usually overcomplicates things and require you to make drastic changes if you need to change some logic.
Never make assumptions on what you think is and isn't performant. Always check the real results.

Only optimize when necessary. And you'll know when it's necessary by using the profiler.

Always use the profiler in builds, not in the Editor as that will give you the real results. In the editor there's always an overhead so the result looks worse than they actually will be in build.

Things you can learn about is:
- Garbage collection: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/performance-garbage-collection-best-practices.html
- Rendering Optimization: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/OptimizingGraphicsPerformance.html