OnCameraZoom event inconsistency


New member
Hi there! While trying to implement a sniper zoom slider, I tried to use the OnCameraZoom event through UCC Events. When I did so, the event was not being called, even when using the same example from the Camera API documentation. I further noticed it worked when using the available UnityEvent for OnZoomEvent, so it was a very strange situation.
Digging up on the CameraController script, I noticed that the GameObject that was bound to OnCameraZoom event was the character's, while the docs says the bound object to that event is CameraController's GameObject.
So, when changing the bound GameObject from the character to the camera on line 736 of CameraController, the event worked as expected.

So, the docs points to the wrong GameObject or the event has the wrong object bound? Any help is appreciated!

Best Regards,
Thanks, there is an inconsistency between the docs and code. I don't use that event anywhere so am interested in hearing your thoughts. Would you rather have it be executed on the character or the camera? I can see arguments for both.
I would say that on the camera makes most sense, as it's a state that directly involves the camera and indirectly the character.