Object Detection foldout missing from Cover ability


Active member
Hello, I've been working on the Cover ability today and realized that the Object Detection foldout is missing from the ability drawer, even though it is mentioned in step 3 of the documentation page : https://opsive.com/support/documentation/deathmatch-ai-kit/cover/

As a comparison, here are the current Cover and Interact drawers :

Capture d’écran (2000).png

Capture d’écran (2001).png

I did not dare change anything to the Cover Drawer script as a comment clearly said not to make any change. In any case, I hope this can be fixed, as it is impossible to set parameters for cover detection at the moment. Thanks in advance.
When comparing the CoverDrawer script to other ability drawers, I realized that it was using the Ability Drawer class and not the DetectObjectAbilityBaseDrawer one, which automatically takes care of the Object Detection foldout. Please fix that for the next update.