NWH Drive source bug


New member
Im getting this error '
NWH Vehicle Physics\NWHDriveSource.cs(72,27): error CS1061: 'Vehicle' does not contain a definition for 'Wake' and no accessible extension method 'Wake' accepting a first argument of type 'Vehicle' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Is this a current issue or am i getting the wrong integration download?
Hey as a note, I believe you own USC, so forget the integration, you do not need it if using USC. I have done a test with NWH and it works easy enough without code using USC. I have not yet done a demo scene for NWH but it is indeed on the list to do.
Yes that’s what I’ve ended up doing - tested the integration so raised it as wanted to see how that approach world work. Using your asset to integrate NWH aerodynamics too.