NPC Cannot Equip Weapon


New member
Hi, I present to you yet another problem unfortunately (lol). So about a year ago I was having problems with getting the AI to unequip a weapon and somehow got that fixed. Now it’s the other way around - the AI can go from armed to unarmed, yet going from unarmed to armed does not work. Like they cannot pull out a weapon at all, but they can start out with having a weapon in their hands and then hide it.
Are you on version 3? For this you will want to make sure you have created an item set rule that allows the agent to be in an unequipped state. If you take a look at our YouTube channel you'll find a video on how item set rules work.
I’m using version 2 still because of some integration incompatibilities. It’s basically just going from having the “Body” item equipped and then switching to any other item. Otherwise the NPC can have like a pistol equipped at the start of the game and is able to put it away (unequip it) without issues.
Unfortunately I am no longer able to support version 2 as it has been awhile since I last looked at it but one way to debut this is to place a breakpoint with EquipUnequip.CanStartAbility and seeing where the ability returns early.
That’s okay, I just thought I‘d check here first. I’ll try a breakpoint and then see if it’s something in the script causing that issue.