No Agent Movement with BD and UCC Generic Rig

I've made some little robot enemies that have generic rigs for animation, set them up as UCC characters, and integrated them for BD.

I've set up the behavior tree with an entry point, repeater set to repeat forever, and seek with the target set as my player. This all worked out of the box for any humanoid rig, not so much for a generic rig.

UCC on the generic rig has the Agent Movement Ability, NavMesh Agent, Behavior Tree Agent, and Behavior Tree with the nodes listed above, but when entering Play mode, the character moves just a bit and stops. The AG Ability stays active, and the Animator Movement parameters both fade down to 0.
The gizmos show that the Player is indeed found and targeted, but no movement (I'm not sure what the yellow lines are trying to tell me, see the screenshot).

While playing around, I found that if I move the NMA, BTA, and BT components to the character model (1st child of the Player GO), the agent will move to the Player but in hops and jumps.

I'm stumped.

Are you using root motion? If you are using root motion you'll need to make sure the animations that you are using include root motion in them. If you don't want to use root motion you can disable it on the Ultimate Character Locomotion.
Oh, this was my bad. I had the Agent Movement Ability set up, but no A* Pathfinding involved.
Swapping to a Nav Mesh Agent Ability solved the whole thing.
Thanks for your reply, Justin.