New Weapon, Forces Camera to fly high


New member
After adding a new weapon, I press play and the camera keeps going up.

not sure why?

Without more information it's extremely tough to say but it's likely a collision problem. Make sure your weapon is on the Overlay/SubCharacter layer.

If you're just getting started try going through the video tutorials again using the same set of models as what the videos use - this should help explain the workflow.
hi, if i remove the arms from the child of the player and press start the arms get childed to a pivot gameobject under camera and all is fine. But if I keep the arms under the player object the weapon gets childed to the camera and no pivot, then the camera just goes in the sky forever :D

If I make a new object and child under the camera with the pivot script on, a new pivot gameobject will still be generated and arms attached.

Cheers Jim
So you're referring to a first person view? Have you followed the first person item tutorial?

Hi, I figured it out, it was because I was using a .blend file and not .fbx and maybe was sharing same avatar. Even tho I duped it and renamed, but I ended up just exporting from blender as a fbx and now it's working ok. Was weird bug and maybe this will help someone who have the same problem. :D