New Emote Ability Structure Recommendation


New member
I'm having a bit of a hard time wrapping my head around the ability system.

I plan to add an emote ability with multiple emote options in an emote wheel. Here is how I planned to implement it but it seems a bit convoluted to me. Is there an easier way to do this?

Ability 1: Open Emote Menu
pass along initiating UltimateCharacterLocomotion object

Ability 2: Emote
called from the emote wheel / menu using the UltimateCharacterLocomotion object passed above.
update Ability Index Parameter based on the emote selected in the menu
manually call ability

Is this the best way to handle this? What is the best way to set the Emote ability so that any character input will end it? I've noticed in testing that if the emote moves the character, they snap back when the ability stops. Is there a way to keep the character at the new position (wherever they were when the animation ended)?

This is also using the PUN network addon so it will need to sync across the network which I think should automatically happen.
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First I would not distinguish between the menu, and triggering movements / emotes. Should the movements be only triggered from the emote wheel, or are they independent. If they are not independent, then you might not need separate abilities, but can just trigger different movements with the animator parameters (e.g. AbilityIntData).
My first guess on the snapping would be that you have root motion enabled, but the animations don't move the root. So the mesh is moved without the root. In the scene window you probably see that the collider sticks to the initial position.